1. Stop biting my nails
This is an ungoing struggle that has been with me for years. When stress or boredom come out, so come the fingers. Disgusting and unhygienic, I really need to kick this bad habit.
2. Start saving for a house
This is a big one but nonetheless something I want to start doing this year.
3. Get fit(er) and be happy with my body
This has also been an ungoing struggle for most of my adult life, and this also has to do with one of my big resolutions for 2018 of self-love and care.
4. Get my medical appointments sorted out
You know, this is something that's really important but somehow still always ends up forgotten. If I write it on this list there are more chances that I actually book that dentist, gynecologist and vaccination appointment.
5. A wardrobe remake
I have a huge closet filled with clothes that just don't seem like me anymore. I guess I have matured and also my tastes have somewhat levelled, meaning that all those crazy crop-tops and frills mixed with my mostly black-and-white everyday clothing items just don't make sense anymore. That's why this year I really want to minimize my wardrobe, invest in some key pieces that I love and that will last me a long time.
6. Take at least 5 trips
This is tied to one of my big resolutions to travel more, and this is a tangible goal of at least 5 trips this year. I already have 2 lined up, one big one and one weekend get-away. Traveling is one of my passions that's been on the back-burner for the past few years, and this year I am consciously making an effort to change that.
7. Do a bungee jump
8. Go to a karaoke and sing a song
9. Learn a new tumbling skill
These all have to do with me wanting to push myself out of my comfort zone and really do something that makes me nervous and prove to myself that I can do it. I'm quite terrified of heights so a bungee jump makes me equal measures excited and nervous. The idea of going to a karaoke and singing a song (alone!) also makes my heart race but would do wonders for my self-esteem. The last one has to do with cheerleading, where tumbling has been my downfall since forever. I really want to work hard and learn a new trick or two before retiring from cheer.
10. Decorate the apartment cozy and nice
We moved into our apartment end of August, and it's only now beginning to really feel like home. I am not a massive fan of our apartment layout or materials to begin with, and renting means we can't change those, but I believe that with a good eye and the right choices we can make it feel homey and like us.
11. Get a morning routine down
I feel like my sleeping schedule has been way off in the last two years or even more, feeling really tired during the week and sleeping up to 14 hours per night on the weekends in an effort to compensate for the lack of sleep on weeknights. I am confident that getting a morning (and night) routine down and having a fixed sleeping schedule will help me cope with my busy life and also give me some more me time.
12. Figure out what my next move is career-wise
I feel like I have been in this weird work-limbo since I left university 4 years ago. Throughout my studies I drifted from one major to the other, from one university to the next, but it all seemed to have meaning as I was working towards something (graduating with a Master's, which I never ended up doing). Now that I have been working full time for almost 4 years, I would really like to find something that would not only pay the bills but also gratify me and keep me motivated. I have a few ideas (actually quite a lot of ideas) about what I would like to do next, I just need to fine tune and choose the best option.
13. Post at least 1 picture, 1 video and 1 blog post a month
Making videos, taking pictures and writing a blog. Those are my favorite creative outlets and I haven't been able to invest as much of my time into them as I would have liked. This has to change, since it genuinely makes me happy to create content.
14. Read at least 10 books
I used to read a lot more, for school or for leisure. I have been going at a steady rate of about 2-3 books a year since I left uni, and I want to change this. I think 10 books a year is an attainable goal. I also have dusted off my library card, as one does not need to go broke to be able to read!
15. Run some kind of running event
I have had this on my mind for a long time now, but never had the courage to actually go for it. But after having gone to see a few running events I understood that you don't have to go for the win or be the best runner or in the best shape to participate in one of these. Also, there are a lot of different ones with different distances. But a 10k would be really cool to finish. This would be quite a huge deal for me, because even though I do like sports and have always been quite athletic, running has never been my thing and I have never been good at it. But once again I feel like pushing myself and trying something new this year.
16. Go to at least one festival in the summer
Summer, music, friends, the outdoors, good vibes, what else could you ask for really? I didn't get to go to one last summer, so this is definitely on my to-do's for 2018.
17. Always talk truthfully
18. Think less about what people think of me
The last two goals for this year have to do with my chronic impulse to always please everyone. I have come to understand that if I always try to make everyone like me, I will most likely remain mediocre and forgettable, and unhappy with myself. I don't mean by this to start being awful to people and not caring about other people's feelings, but more that I will strive to always tell the truth, even if it's hard to say or to hear, since I feel like that's the genuine way of living life, and I will do more of what makes me happy and I will put myself out there, despite the risk of someone making fun of me or not liking what I do. If I manage to get better in these two aspects throughout this year, I am quite sure I will have grown as a person.
That's it for my 18 goals for 2018! What are some of your goals? Did you also make 18 of them? Please do share at least some of them, I love to read blog posts or watch videos of New Year's goals and resolutions, I find it so inspiring! Take care everyone and until next time ♡
All photos Unsplash
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