Recent snapchats 1


1) This was from Sunday's brunch with my family, celebrating Mother's Day! It was really yummy Northern African food. 2) Flowers for my grandma :) 3) These were some delish sushi that my awesome little sister made me (she works in a sushi shop that is not too far from one of my work places, so I occasionally go for some great vegan sushi)


4) Been working a lot lately.. 5) Well, the truth be told, I have been working hard ever since I got back to Finland, doing 50-60 hour weeks. 6) Enjoying the sunshine and nice weather we have had lately.


6) A random snapshot of sunny Helsinki. This one is from Kallio, a neighborhood near downtown Helsinki. 7) Here's my typical view when I try to get work done at home, she's one of the 4 cats we have in our shared apartment with my sister. She thought that she would fit in that box, but she didn't so she just decided to fall asleep on top of it. 8) And here's another office kitty (2/4 cats) lounging on the sofa.

Favorite Youtube channels of the moment

Hailey Devine makes beautifully shot and edited videos about her family life, and her travels with her husband and daughter. Extremely inspirational and gorgeous videos.
Lauren Toyota is a VJ turned vlogger and content creator on Youtube. I love her vlogs, her Q&As and her What I Eat in a Day videos. She's also vegan, and runs another channel that I love called "hot for food".
Kalel's Youtube channel has more than a million followers, and I think it's partly due to her contagious joy and lively spirit that she conveys really well in her vlogs. She's also a vegan and I just adore her beautiful cats!
Meghan's channel has been a favorite of mine for years. She's extremely hilarious at times, while being very serious and real when needed. 
Rachel  Aust is a former photographer, and I love her minimalist style and her professional looking photos and videos. Such an inspiration!

1st of May

My very first 1st of May in Finland after getting my student cap! This black and white cap is something you get when you graduate from high school in Finland, since the 19th century! Then as the tradition has it, you get to wear it for the 1st of May celebrations.

Ensimmäinen vappuni Suomessa lakkiaisten jälkeen! Asuin Ranskassa melkein 7 vuotta, joten en ole pitänyt lakkia kertaakaan vappuna lukion päättymisen jälkeen. Mitä sinä teit vappuna?


Spring has officially sprung! Even in Finland we have nice weather. Lately I have been loving scrolling Pinterest for some spring inspiration, here are some snapshots of what I have been pinning. Next I need to buy some flowers and a bicycle!

Kevät on vihdoin täällä! Jopa Suomessa on vihdoin kivempi sää. Viimeaikoina oon rakastanut scrollata Pinterestiä kevät-inspiraation perässä, tässä muutama kuva joista olen tykännyt. Seuraavaksi mun pitää ostaa polkupyörä ja kevätkukkia!

DISCLAIMER: all photos from Pinterest
HUOM: kaikki kuvat Pinterestistä

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